?  Need some awesome book mail? Enter to win these amazing crime mysteries and thrillers by Asian American Pacidic Islander authors!! The rules: Join our #LiftAAPIVoices campaign and enter the giveaway by showing your support on social media. Some examples: Post a message of solidarity Take a selfie with a...

What do you do when you've spent months (even years) researching history, geography, legend, and love for a novel after it's written? You share allllll the insider tidbits that you didn't get to put in the book! Next month I'll be teaching a live online course...

GIVEAWAY!! While sorting through some stuff, I recently discovered three hidden books: one advance copy each of The Legend of Sheba, Firstborn, and A Single Light. What is an advance copy, you ask? An advance reader copy (ARC) is an early (often not fully edited) preliminary...

I’ll be honest: this quarantine has not been the hotbed of creativity I hoped. Some days, I’ve done little but the basics—feeding people, brushing my teeth, checking in with family. All while combating the weird lethargy of being frozen in flux: between projects and contracts,...

LIVE Story Time With Tosca! Join me LIVE every night for the foreseeable future, at 9 Eastern Time on Facebook @AuthorToscaLee (or click here: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorToscaLee/). Just a chance to check in and have a few laughs together with special appearances from Timber and other personalities at...

The doctor in this picture is my little sister, Amy—a Boston family practice physician serving many of the underserved, and a Tufts Medical school professor helping train medical residents for the challenges of providing compassionate care in times of joy and uncertainty. Like so many...