The Progeny is out today! What a journey this has been. I started research for this book and its sequel almost two years ago and it has taken me places far beyond the borders of Croatia and Hungary, where I went in pursuit of the...

We've established I'm horrible at waiting and keeping secrets, right? So here are the first four chapters of my new novel, The Progeny. Please enjoy, leave your comments, and share this preview with your friends! Tosca _______________________________ The Progeny by Tosca Lee   The Center No one speaks when you enter...

Oh my Gosh. There’s nothing like doing a signing at your home Barnes & Noble—three days before your latest release, no less (just for the hometown advantage. ;D) I met and re-met the most incredible readers, old and new friends, book club members, and friends/family of...

Sitting here in edits for Firstborn (aha… see what I did there? Isn’t your curiosity piqued?) I want to tell my editor that I need more time: like two years. In part, because this is my favorite part of the process. But also because there’s...

The road to blogging is paved with good intentions. But here I am again. Run for the hills. Better yet, now’s probably a good time to put on that white robe and stand on your nearest mountain, cuz now you know the end is near.* The Progeny...

This is Tosca, coming at you between books and I'm super excited to announce that my new thriller, THE PROGENY, hits shelves next Tuesday! What I loved about writing this book: the twists, the chase scenes (yes, there's parkour), the masquerade raves, all the underground...

At one time I meant to have stenciled "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here" above my office door. They're the words in Dante's Inferno carved above the gate to hell. It might be a bit morbid--made complete by the ever-favorite shot of a piano...

So, the last time I had a book release and did my traditional first signing at my “home” Barnes & Noble, something amazing happened. There I was, shoes kicked off (for some reason this is becoming a habit) and somewhere around two hours in, I look up to find my then-boyfriend standing in line.

Me: “What are you doing?”
Him: “I want my book signed.”
Me: “You can have your book signed any time.”
Him: “But I want it signed now.”

Let's talk about food. If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I Tweet nearly as much about food as I do about writing. Perhaps more. Yeah, probably more. (Except right before book releases, but I still manage to slip a few morsels in.) I wish I did...