The Progeny paperbook is now on bookshelves (and mailboxes for those who pre-ordered)! This edition includes both an exclusive reading guide and Q&A section at the end for those of you who want a little more. :) Haven't read The Progeny yet? Now the time--the sequel, Firstborn, releases May 2nd! If you've read The Progeny and...

The paperbook edition of The Progeny will be out March 7th. My publisher is giving away several copies on Goodreads. Click HERE to enter by February 28th. The cover has a new design, but you'll experience the same thrills inside. Here's what readers are saying: "One of the best...

History has called him many things: Thief. Liar. Traitor. Reviled throughout history and infamous for his suicide, he is the man whose very name is synonymous with betrayal . . . And the only disciple that Jesus called “friend.” Judas. Iscariot delves into biblical history’s most maligned character—from his...

I love readers! I love book bloggers and vloggers! I'm honored that the authors of Write/Read/Life have named The Progeny the Top Thriller of 2016. "There is not much I can say that will adequately portray how good this book is! Lee is a master storyteller has crafted the best...