From the Author's Note in Iscariot: A Novel of Judas I ran away from this story for about a year before casually mentioning even the possibility of it to author friends and my agent. I did it with the full expectation and slight hope they would...

History has called him many things: Thief. Liar. Traitor. Reviled throughout history and infamous for his suicide, he is the man whose very name is synonymous with betrayal . . . And the only disciple that Jesus called “friend.” Judas. As I was writing Iscariot, I immeresed myself in biblical...

People are mystified and intrigued with writers. When someone asks what I do I say I’m a writer, the light in their eyes changes. And then, because I have boobs, they ask if I write romance or children’s stories. “No,” I say, eyes narrowing. “I write about...