Tosca Book Trivia

Think you know my books? Test yourself with this quiz! Grab a piece of paper and note your answers. When finished, scroll down for the answers. Leave a comment with how many you got right!
1. In The Long March Home, the main character meets a soldier from Nebraska nicknamed “Buggy.” Why would he have been called his?
2. Which of my books features a lunar eclipse?
3. Which book contains a cameo by this bottle of perfume? (See picture to the left) Bonus points for the name of the perfume!
4. Which book features an infamous historical figure—that I learned I’m distantly related to after I’d started writing the book?
5. Which of my books features a FREE ebook prequel?
6. Which character in one of my books is named not with a human name but after an object?
7. Which of my books features a cameo of The Monster at the End of the Book? Bonus points for the name of the monster in The Monster at the End of the Book!
8. Which book has a scene set in Underwood, Iowa?
9. Which of my books begins… with the Epilogue?
10. Which book was I signing at Barnes & Noble when I got engaged?
11. In which of my books do I blow up the local sheriff’s department?
12. Which book features a character named after an American Idol alum?
13. Which real-life event inspired The Line Between? a) Covid b) Spanish Flu c) a reindeer carcass in the Siberian permafrost d) Mad Cow disease.
14. Which of my novels opens in Maine?
15. Which of my novels opens in my home state of Nebraska?
16. Which of my novels features a code–that you can use to solve a riddle here?
17. In which city is Demon: A Memoir set?
18. What is the land of Saba famous for in The Legend of Sheba–and in real life?
19. In Iscariot, what was the fate of Judas’ father?
20. What was the name of the cult in The Line Between–and what was one unusual aspect about it? a) It was a seed farm b) the members were vegan c) it was situated in Iowa d) all of the above.
21. What kind of unusual tattoos feature into the underground “court” scenes in The Progeny?  
22. What kind of animal was Adah in Havah: The Story of Eve? 
23. What kind of car was Billy fixing up in The Long March Home? 
24. What destroyed the crops and delayed Bilqis’ journey north in The Legend of Sheba? 
25. In Forbidden, where is new Byzantium, and what is the Citadel known as today?

26. What beverage can no Progeny seem to go without?

27. What are the leaves that Sabeans chew in The Legend of Sheba? 
28. At which hotel do Clay and the demon Lucian meet for dessert in the Bristol Lounge?
29. At what art did Lila excel in Havah: The Story of Eve? 
30. Which star was Bilqis’ mother, Ismeni, born under in The Legend of Sheba? 


















1. Because before the Nebraska football team was called The Cornhuskers, they were the Bugeaters!
2. Iscariot
3. Demon: A Memoir
6. The Book in Forbidden
7. Demon: A Memoir
8. The Line Between
9. Iscariot
10. The Legend of Sheba
11. A Single Light
12. Mortal and Sovereign feature a character named after Jordin Sparks, a fan of Forbidden
13. C–a reindeer carcass that thawed in the Siberian permafrost. Read the article here. If you said D–Mad Cow disease, you’re partially right, as the disease-causing agent in The Line Between is a prion.
14. The Progeny
15. A Single Light
16. The Line Between
17. Boston
18. Incense and the Marib Dam
19. He was crucified
20. New Earth and D
21. Ultraviolet
22. A deer
23. Ford V-8
24. Locusts
25. Italy/the area of the former Roman Empire and the Vatican
26. Coffee
27. Qat
28. The Four Seasons
29. Weaving/textiles
30. Sirius, the Dog Star
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