BOGO Paperbacks at Target! (Including The Line Between!)

Book clubs, buddy readers, and early holiday shoppers: paperback copies of The Line Between are buy one/get one free at Target online here!

The Line Between is also part of the “Target Recommends” program.



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  • McChesney Colleen
    Posted at 05:43h, 29 October Reply

    The Line Between Review
    Before you’ve even read Chapter 2, Tosca Lee has captivated & mesmerized you under her spell, whisked you away to a place so familiar yet so unusual while making you invested in Wynter’s life journey. All the while, building supense & intrigue with each turn of the page as you’re questioning what’s to come next in this fabulous fast-paced thriller.
    Every twist of plot, introduction of brilliant characters along the way, plus intense, vivid scenery, sends recurring chills & tingles coursing up & down your spine. The Line Between, well written, blurs your senses of real-life happenings with science fiction possibilities, while keeping you sitting on the edge of your seat.
    The book made me feel breathless, curious, and left me wanting to know more, so much so, that I didn’t want to put it down, and have never read a work of fiction so quickly. This is an absolute must read.

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